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Update 15.02.2002
How to Explain Space Energy?
Text and photos: Juha Hartikka
"The most difficult question people ask me about space energy is "Where does this energy come from?" I reply that they have asked me to explain something that even I can not completely grasp. "Let's look at what I learned in a conference in Switzerland."
Zero-point energy, quantum energy, free energy - what ever you like to name it, this proposed energy source is hard to describe because it is originating from so deep in the microworld normally denied from our senses. In the Weinfelden conference its effects were, however, presented relatively understandably by several lecturers. My purpose is to find parallel explanations for the observed energy sources from lectures of different researchers and theoreticians. They are printed in the conference report "Neue Wasserstofftechnologien und Raumantriebe" which I am using as a source.
Photo: Author Jeane Manning telling Weinfelden conference listeners about hydrogen technology which is very promising future source of clean energy. If produced with highly efficient new quantum energy related methods, hydrogen may become very attractive by its consumer price, too. These hydrogen producing technologies are now on experimental stage.
Zero Point Energy - Tangled but So Charming!
Back to the question: "Where is the energy coming from?" This far I have found the easiest way to explain the mystery by first showing professor Philipp M. Kanarev's lecture about observations of excess energy found in common water electrolysis. He has shown the effect with practical experiments backed with energy tables from reputed chemistry books. The overunity efficiencies make the listener to wonder: "If so, why has nobody showed this effect before?" Well, actually it has been shown numerous times, but it has been impossible to accept it as it seemingly violates the law of energy conservation.
Continuing the discussion I tell about Prof. Kanarev's explanation about an electron supplementing its lost energy by deriving it back from its environment. Next I tell about Prof. Athanassios A. Nassikas' conclusion that when an electron approaches a proton, gravitational space energy conversion into electromagnetic energy takes place. More specifically, useful work can be produced through an irreversible approaching-distancing between an electron and a proton and, in extension, between positive and negative loads. This derives from the hypothesis of the Quantum Space Time-Aether which derives from the Claim for Minimum Contradictions. Prof. Nassikas characteristically names the effect as "Space-Time Energy Pump".
Phptp: Professors Kanarev (left) and Nassikas preparing for beginning of the Weinfelden conference. Prof. Philipp M. Kanarev has developed a remarkably accurate photon model which now makes it possible to move from statistical to accurate quantum mechanics. He has dealt with the need of scientific revision in his book "The Crisis of the Theoretical Physics". Professor Athanassios A. Nassikas dealt along with his "Space-Time Energy Pump" lecture also about the need of accepting major steps of development in physics concluding: "Main problem in physics now is not technical. It is philosophical".
Then I tell about Prof. Jean-Pierre Vigier's lecture "New Source of Energy", where he points to electron's spin transformations as a means of extracting energy. Dr. Paul LaViolette's Subquantum Kinetics Theory supplements the view by adding connections to anti-gravity effects like the Brown-Biefeld Effect, the Searl Effect and the MEC experiment by Roschin and Godin.
Finally I point to the similarities between these explanations, and stress that these parallel theories are evolved from different standpoints thus reinforcing each other. These theories and observations presented together seem to create a minimum amount of contradictions to listeners - a precondition for people to finally accept the theories, like Nassikas taught in Weinfelden. These points usually make my conversation partners seriously consider that there may be something sensible in the space energy after all.
Professors Nassikas, Kanarev and Vigier also declared the "cold fusion" found by Pons and Fleischmann as not a fusion at all but actually another free energy phenomenon. So it would be related to other observations about excess energy in water electrolysis like those of Prof. Kanarev's demonstrations, for example. Considering the seemingly endless availability of clean energy, this sounds like someone seeking for gold had accidentally found diamonds instead!
The renowned old relativist, professor Jean-Pierre Vigier from Paris meeting the popular Canadian free energy author Jeane Manning in the Weinfelden conference. Vigier is now collaborating with Prof. Z. Maric of Belgrade University with research of low temperature nuclear reactions. Jeane Manning introduced the conference audience to samples of fascinating new energy inventions.
Background Support from Literature
From other articles and literature we find still more clues. Well known U.S. researcher Harold Puthoff thinks that what keeps the electron zipping around the nucleus is zero-point energy which the electron continuously absorbs. Quantum mechanics states that an electron in an atom must have some minimum, ground-state energy. Puthoff states that also by Einstein's E = mc2, the vacuum energy must be able to create particles. They flash briefly into existence and expire within an interval.
The famous British physicist, professor Stephen W. Hawking tells in his popular book "A Brief History of Time" how the black hole radiation is generated by quantum fluctuation. The particles and antiparticles constantly born in space normally neutralize each other practically instantly, but in the vicinity of a black hole they may be separated by its immense gravity. If the black hole now swallows the anti-particle representing negative energy, the particle with its positive energy is liberated to space. This means that a black hole radiates quantum energy around itself.
According to Hawking, this black hole side effect does not violate the law of conservation of energy because the sum of energy still remains the same. The black hole actually loses its energy and mass by absorbing negative energy of anti-particles. If we think where else we might find equally strong force fields we recall the atom itself with its nuclear and electron interactions! Now remember what the Weinfelden lecturers talked about electrons and nuclei? So it appears that here we could indeed have a hole from which to extract quantum energy...
Blind Man Tracing Footprints from the Wind
When trying to understand this new aspect of energy and the structure behind it I feel like a blind man chasing a dragon. By this I mean that trying to grasp where space energy comes from is like trying to follow invisible trails in the air left behind by something maybe not existing at all.
Talking about space energy is still considered as weird and unscientific. On the other hand, once banned topics like black holes have risen to accepted and favored topics of discussion, although we have no hard proof of their existence either. Now as we are running out of oil and nuclear fuel in a matter of decades, the great public ignores and the academic world denies any need to even inspect possibilities to research zero-point energy. As a result, the next generation will experience some very tough times trying to keep societies stable while experiencing a loss of both of our primary energy sources.
Even if we had no personal proof to believe in the existence of zero-point phenomena, can we afford to ignore the possibility that they might really exist - or even one day prove to become our major energy sources? That is why I feel great respect to private experimenters, innovators and researchers like those described in Jeane Manning's book "The Coming Energy Revolution" / "Freie Energie" who carry on their work relying practically on their own belief only and disregarding being publicly stamped as queer freaks by the very same audience whose future problems they are voluntarily trying to solve.
I would feel ashamed of being one of those brainless who point their accusing fingers at people and stamp them heretics without even bothering to learn what they are really working for! History has shown again and again that the platforms of human societies and cultures are molded from the thoughts of once unvalued minds - the same minds that later proved to be ahead of their time. History will also in due time show the value of space energy research, but somehow I already have the feeling that we are witnessing a very interesting epoch of progress both in the physics and in the history of mankind.
Prof. Kanarev's Explanation of Excess Energy
After revising the above article, Prof. Kanarev kindly sent a specific explanation from his lecture: "If the electron is in the free state due to an accidental external influence on the atom and the environment has no photons, which are necessary for it to restore its mass, it begins to form the photons from the environment (the ether) immediately and to absorb them. The electron acquires the stable free state only after it restores its constants: mass, charge, energy and magnetic moment."
In one of his articles he continues: "When the electron is linked to a nucleus of an atom, it radiates a part of its energy in the form of a photon. This is the excess energy. If the bond to the nucleus is broken, then because it is again free, the electron again absorbs a photons from the envirnment (the ether) which warrants its stability. After regarding its mass (energy) to a stable state, it can be again linked to a nucleus, emitting a photon corresponding to the energy of its bond to the atom and so on. Thus there are circumstances in which the electron absorbs energy in the form of electromagnetic substance (which can be identified with what is called "ether"), from the medium and gives it to the atoms and molecules. So excess energy appears." (Kanarev Ph.M. The source of Excess Energy from Water. Infinite energy. V.5. Issue 25 p. 56-57.)
Prof. Nassikas' Comments
With his comments to this article Prof. A. A. Nassikas shared his view concerning the difficulties with new theories in physics: "The main problem is to explain some phenomena on the basis of some new theoretical points of view. I think that you could explain more analytically (you have already explained in some way) what the word "understand" means. As you can see in my article, there is a theorem which states that our basic communication system, through which any theory is stated, is contradictory itself; this imposes silence; from this derives the Claim for Minimum Contradictions. Thus, when we say that we understand a theory, we have to take into account that what includes the minimum possible contradictions is accepted as true; this perhaps facilitates us to approach some notions which at a first sight, due to contradictions, seem to be inexplicable."
Related Websites
Weinfelden Energy Conference "Neue Wasserstofftechnologien und Raumantriebe": http://Weinfelden.innoplaza.net
Prof. Ph. M. Kanarev, the master of photon and his books introduced: http://Kanarev.innoplaza.net
Tom Van Flandern about superluminal speed of gravity: http://www.ldolphin.org/vanFlandern/gravityspeed.html
Comments about Roschin and Godin MEC experiment: Strange Effects Related to Rotating Magnetic Systems by Matti Pitkänen. Published in the journal New Energy Technologies.
Water cars - Nachbau von Wassermotoren. Workshop am Samstag, 2./9. März, bis Sonntag, 3./10. März 2002, Wasserfallen, Switzerland.
Experimental Energy Links: http://energy.innoplaza.net
(c) J. Hartikka, Finland. Version 06.01.2002, revised by
Prof. Ph. M. Kanarev (Krasnodar), Prof. A. A. Nassikas (Athens), Prof. Thure Valdsoo
(Stockholm) and author Jeane Manning (Vancouver).
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